How Much Do Foot Models Earn?

How Much Do Foot Models Earn?

According to, premiere parts models earn around $1,000 a day for TV commercials, and between $2,000-$5,000 a day for print work. A top female parts model—a hand model with good legs and feet—can make around $75,000 a year. That number jumps substantially if the model lives in a print-centric locale such as New York.

How Do You Become a Parts Model?

As with any other type of modeling, it’s essential that you get your potential evaluated by an experienced model agent or scout. It’s not enough to have “pretty” hands or feet—modeling agencies are looking for nothing but the most exceptional parts for editorial, advertising, and catalogue work.

To increase your chances of making it in the parts modeling industry, it’s best to work with people who have experience and direct connections in this specialized market. is a great place to start and offers the most legitimate and cost effective way to be seen by agents around the world in the quickest way possible.

And remember: becoming a professional model takes time. Just stay positive, be professional, and don’t forget to have fun!

4 thoughts on “How Much Do Foot Models Earn?”

    1. It depends on the concepts and projects. Some amateur clients pays $40/hrs, but some professional agencies may pay $200/hrs.
      The payment range is usually between $40-$100/hrs.

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